
First post. How un-right-brained is that?!

Welcome!  The inspiration for this blog is my youngest daughter, who loves blogging, especially designing new blogs, as well as writing fiction.  She comes by the writing part naturally as I love to write too.  However, her writing is more creative, while I enjoy writing more serious content.  Yes, she tends to be more right-brained, and me?  No surprise there--I prefer left-brained tasks.

Have you ever seen the "Spinning Lady"?  She is a great test for whether you are operating in your left or right brain.  Some people are very adept at making her go both ways--a testimony to the connectedness between the two hemispheres.  I encourage you to check her out for yourself.  Click here to go and visit her!

A little anecdote about the "Spinning Lady" (aka Spinning Dancer).  I find that when I have been analyzing a Trig problem or filling out a spreadsheet that the "Spinning Lady" is always spinning left.  However, if I have been relaxing and listening to music, she is more likely to be spinning right.   I have also found that my "right-brain" preferenced daughter will do better on math if I have her engage in something like the 12 times tables before we begin--especially if she has been working on one of her latest stories.  The "Spinning Lady" bears witness that this is helpful as my daughter will go from seeing the "Spinning Lady" turning right to seeing her turning left after the times tables.

Well, that's the first entry on this blog.  Whodathunk that I'd actually start one of these crazy things!